October 31, 2009

It's a Shame - Original Software's Software Testing Hall of Shame

My good friend Jim Hazen has been involved in Software Quality Assurance for a long time.

So noticing mistakes in websites comes naturally to him. And when he recently visited Original Software's corporate blog, he found a good one.

If you go to Original Software's Blog, you'll see that they periodically post about public software failures that they call the "Software Testing Hall of Fame".

Here's one:  http://www.origsoft.com/blog/archives/software-testing-hall-of-shame-survey-reveals-hidden-price-of-software-failures

These are good articles, and worth reading.

However, if you click the Original Software logo in the upper left corner, you see that they have improperly linked this logo, so you are presented with their 404 page:

When I visited, it said:

Sorry!, No Page Was Found

The page you where looking could not be found

So not only do they have a bad link, but bad grammar, bad spelling, and dicey punctuation as well.

Such a shame!