March 7, 2012

Beta Tester Opportunities For Better Testers

Be better - be a Beta!

A while back I posted about being a Beta Tester

Beta testing can be a nice way to enhance your skills as a tester, and perhaps add to your resume.
Here are a few more opportunities.  As always, be careful out there in Beta land.

Currently we are running a closed beta of Movieggs. This means that there are a limited number of people who can register at this time. We are looking for people who would like the opportunity to help us shape Movieggs into a natural complement to your online experience and future media consumption.

Tanktical is a pass n' play multiplayer game for the iPad 2. 
After rounds of internal testing, we have now decided Tanktical our TBS game is ready to dominate the world. Well not really ... but  beta testing is a good start. As you can probably tell, we need a dose of reality in the form of feedback from you guys! 
There are EMPs, missiles, mines and sheep - what more can you ask for? Well actually that's what we want to know.  
If you are interested in jumping on board to help us test - please sign up at Test Flight.

Ever wanted to Beta test Opera Mini? Well Opera Mini Next is just that - a preview version of what's next for Opera Mini. 
To download the Opera Mini Next browser to your phone right now, visit this link with your mobile phone:

Stack Exchange
We've just entered private beta for our new StackTrace iPad app. We'd like to add some additional testers and get more feedback. 
Our signup page, including additional information is available at Please sign up if you're interested in the app or for joining the beta. You'll need an iPad 1 or 2 running at least iOS 4.3. If you also add a comment here it will help us get in immediate contact. 
Thanks! We're really excited about this.

This article originally appeared in my blog: All Things Quality
My name is Joe Strazzere and I'm currently a Director of Quality Assurance.
I like to lead, to test, and occasionally to write about leading and testing.
Find me at


  1. Hi, My name is Paul Tyrenius and I am CEO of Movieggs that you mention above. I found your blogg by googling my own company to see where we were mentioned. I know - thats pretty vain... First of all: thank you for mentioning us, great blogg! We would love to get some more beta testers. We have developed a program that we our selfs would love to have and we truly look forward to all the feedback from your readers.
    All the best
    Paul Tyrenius

  2. Thank you Paul!

    Many folks in the software testing community ask how they can sharpen their testing skills and boost their resumes. I often recommend that they seek out companies like yours who offer Beta testing opportunities.
