August 23, 2009

The Sea Was Angry That Day My Friends

The sea was angry that day my friends. Like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli.
- George Costanza, Seinfeld

 Jenness State Beach - Rye, NH

We drove to Rye, NH today, to Jenness Beach.

Hurricane Bill had passed by the coast and left behind some much larger than normal waves - a treat for surfers like my son. Unfortunately, shortly after we arrived, the incoming tide and the undertow made it too treacherous, and the life guards closed the beaches.

We stayed and watched the rising tide, and the debris washing in. My son and his girlfriend spent the time grabbing buoys that were snapped loose from their lobster traps (they snagged two nice ones).

And we saw some fools decide to ignore the lifeguards and go out with their surfboards anyway. New Hampshire State Police arrived to deal with them as they exited the water.

I understand wanting to see the big waves. The ocean certainly looked strong and beautiful. And it was exciting to see it crashing up and over the sea barriers.

But I don't understand breaking the law, and risking your life, by going out into waves declared unsafe. Foolish, and setting a bad example for the children watching.