If you've read my article comparing Optimistic Developers to Pessimistic Testers (http://strazzere.blogspot.com/2010/04/optimistic-developers-pessimistic.html), then you know that the topic interests me.
And you can imagine how pleased I was to stumble across this particular comic strip. *
The main protagonist of Urban Jungle is a developer named Zack. According to the website:
Zack is the only human being in an office full of animals. He does software development for a large pharmaceutical company. Single, thirty-something, and hanging on to the last shreds of his optimism. He was raised by wolves.Good stuff! You should definitely check it out.
Note that I haven't yet figured out what the QA Tester character is supposed to be:
- an opossum?
- a rat?
- a weasel?
I've asked the artist. I'll post his reply once I get it.
Update: According to David (the artist) her name is Sharon, and "she's a possum". Apparently, Sharon is a somewhat pessimistic possum. I like it!
* My friend "The Director" at http://qahatesyou.com points out that I "stumbled across" this excellent comic strip through his site. I think he's right, but in my defense I look at lots of blogs/sites in the early morning hours. Sometimes I'm lucky if I can remember if I drank my coffee or not. Don't hate on a fellow QAer, now!