Decide which of the following are relevant for your input field and use them.
If you are using an automated test tool, these values can easily be used exhaustively, or randomly, by a test script:
- 00:00:00
- 00:00:01
- 01:01:01
- 11:59:59
- 12:00:00
- 12:01:01
- 23:59:59
- (now)
- (1 second ago)
- (1 second from now)
- (1 minute ago)
- (1 mnute from now)
- (1 hour ago)
- (1 hour from now)
- 25:01:01
- 01:60:01
- 01:01:60
- 01:01:61
- 01::01
- 01::
- 01:01:xx
- 01:xx:01
- xx:01:01