August 11, 2008

WinTask - Getting Properties of Objects

When using WinTask as a test tool, we often want to get a property (text, selection, etc) from an object.  Here are some methods to do so.

' Getting Properties (text, etc) from various objects
' Author: Joe Strazzere

' Get Text from a multiline edit box
result_capture$ = Capture$("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1,1)
' Get Text from an edit box
result_capture$ = Capture$("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Find|1",1,1)

' Get Seletion from a ComboBox
result_capture$ = Capture$("NOTEPAD.EXE|ComboBox|Font|5",1,1)
' Get the text from a ComboLBox
result_capture$ = Capture$("NOTEPAD.EXE|ComboLBox|Font|1",1,1)
' Get the text from a Static field
result_capture$ = Capture$("NOTEPAD.EXE|Static|Microsoft ® Notepad",1,1)
' Get the text from a SysListView32 control
result_capture$ = Capture$("NOTEPAD.EXE|SysListView32|FolderView",1,1)

' Get the nth item from a ComboBox
var$ = ListItem$("NOTEPAD.EXE|ComboBox|Page Setup|1",2)
' Get the nth item from a Listbox
var$ = ListItem$("NOTEPAD.EXE|ListBox|About|1",2)

' Get the Selected item from a ComboBox
var$ = SelectedItem$("NOTEPAD.EXE|ComboBox|Page Setup|1")
' Get the nth item from a Listbox
var$ = SelectedItem$("NOTEPAD.EXE|ListBox|About|1")

' Check for the existence of a given window
ret = ExistW("NOTEPAD.EXE|Button|OK")

' Determine if a Checkbox is checked or not
ret = CheckedW("NOTEPAD.EXE|Button|Match &case")
' Determine if a Radio Button is checked or not
ret = CheckedW("NOTEPAD.EXE|Button|P&ortrait")

' Determine if a given window is enabled or not
ret = EnabledW("NOTEPAD.EXE|Button|&Find Next")