' HTMLHelp
' Author: Joe Strazzere
'Public Const HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC = &H0
'Public Const HH_HELP_CONTEXT = &HF
' Lib "Hhctrl.ocx" Alias "HtmlHelpA"
' (ByVal hWndCaller As Long,
' ByVal pszFile As String,
' ByVal uCommand As Long,
' ByVal dwData As Long) As Long
'Public Sub CallHelp(lWnd As Long, lContext As Long)
'lWnd is the Window Handle of the form that you want to assign the Help to.
'If you close this form, then you will automatically close help.
'lContext is the context number that you want called. This is determined
'by the program you used to compile your HTML help file.
' Dim lR As Long
' If lContext = 0 Then 'Are we launching just the help file, or a specific topic?
' lR = HtmlHelp(lWnd, "C:MyHelp.chm", HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, 0)
' Else
' lR = HtmlHelp(lWnd, "C:MyHelp.chm", HH_HELP_CONTEXT, lContext)
' End If
' If lR = 0 Then 'Either the Topic did not exist, or the launch failed.
' MsgBox "Unable to launch HTML Help," & vbCrLf & "or the topic you requested does not exist"
' End If
'End Sub
dim hwnd as unsigned
dim ptr as unsigned
ret=External("Hhctrl.ocx","HtmlHelpA",0,"c:Program FilesWinTaskHelpWinTask.chm",15,10)